James Finn, Princeton's Physics Department, Fusion Energy, and Plasma Physics

YES! This IS Rocket Science!

This Summer, Elexana’s senior EMI Consultant, James Finn, is attending Princeton University’s Department of Physics Summer Program offering, “Introduction to Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics Course” at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL.)

Twenty-five of the world’s Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics experts will teach this comprehensive course. James will dive deeply into this cutting-edge clean-energy technology's physical theory, production methods, storage and containment methods, and delivery systems.

Princeton University is one of several pioneering institutions researching Fusion Energy Technology in the US. Unlike Nuclear Fission Energy, which involves separating particles by starting with the very heavy Uranium 235, Fusion Energy starts with lithium forming heavy hydrogen. The output residual is primarily helium. Mining uranium is therefore not required and neither is the burden of storing much nuclear waste. Therefore, Fusion Energy is a more desirable technology for clean energy sources.

Plasma Physics will be covered in depth from the nano-scale used in industrial, aerospace, and scientific applications to the astrophysical scale.