Actionable levels of electromagnetic radiation exposure can affect the function of fine electronics and may present a health concern. Our policy is to defer all health-related questions and concerns to our affiliate licensed medical professionals and various pacemaker companies upon completion of our assessments. Any physician we refer has the knowledge to interpret our reports and present a qualified medical opinion. Anyone claiming to be a “medical expert” should be a licensed physician.

✅ Regarding EMF radiation exposure limits for residential consultations: We inform our clients of OSHA safety standards, FCC guidelines, and international health and safety standards set forth by Germany’s Bau Biologie and the American Building Biology® Institute and the peer-reviewed studies compiled by

Any issues that we identify which require reporting to your local electrical power company or utility company are fully backed, verified, and supported by Einstein Electrical Corporation, our New York licensed partner. Only our affiliate-licensed electricians and contractors will provide electrical repair and installation services.

✅ Only a licensed electrician can change, alter, or install electrical wiring in your home. Identifying wiring errors requires a two-stage process; the first stage involves non-invasive procedures conducted by your certified EMRS. This stage does not require the assistance of a licensed electrician. The next step consists of conducting specific electrical system testing performed by your licensed electrician under the guidance and direction of your certified EMRS. Again, only a licensed electrician is legally permitted to change or alter any wiring associated with the electrical system in your home.

All our residential EMF testing, system ground tests, and measurements are non-invasive. We do not remove electrical panel covers, junction box covers, or outlet receptacle cover plates, disconnect wires or cables or turn a screw. No test that we physically conduct requires an electrical license. However, all EMF/EMR Testing does require proper training verified by an EMRS certification.

✅ An EMRS surveys electromagnetic fields and consults with you or your project manager, engineers, electricians, and contractors when an electromagnetic interference issue requires a specific mitigation plan, operation, or application. Unless an EMRS is also a licensed electrician, an EMRS will not and can not perform electrical services that require an electrical license in any state, county, or municipality. An EMRS is trained to provide professional guidance to your electrician on the steps necessary to complete any required wiring or grounding corrections. An Elexana EMRS can even bring the tools necessary to complete these procedures. We must stress that your locally licensed electricians can only provide all electrical repairs.

✅ There is no state licensing offered by any state in the USA for residential EMF Testing, dowsing, Feng Shui, or any other practices related to testing the energies at your residence once granted your permission to proceed. Any person claiming to own a state license for EMF Testing violates fair business practices and ethics, misleading the public and possibly breaking the law. If he/she insists that there is a state license for EMF Testing and that they own this license, please ask that it be emailed as a PDF photocopy for you to send to us, your local chamber of commerce, and your local county courthouse.

Our General Report Policy

Generally, our contracted assignments pertain to helping solve electromagnetic interference issues. We also serve environmental engineering firms with testing, measuring, and assessing electromagnetic fields within specified frequencies and tolerances using designated testing standards. (See Electromagnetic Field Testing.) Then, engineers will use our assessments to report to the ultimate client. We do not determine safety levels. These determinations remain with various organizations such as the FCC, ICNIRP, IEEE, Building Biology Institute, the EU, the Chinese government, etc. The same practice applies to work we may provide for any global company, worker's union, medical association, etc.

We test electromagnetic fields to determine the source causation and solutions for electromagnetic interference to malfunctioning electronics and assess the electromagnetic compatibility between various technologies in situ. When we speak of testing an "electromagnetic environment," we are referring to measuring and evaluating electromagnetic fields or emissions, which may be causative agents for electromagnetic interference (EMI) or failing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) affecting EUT (Equipment Under Test) or humans and animals. (This environment may also include the EUT’s emissions.)

Although we understand the physical mechanisms of how and why electromagnetic radiation affects human biology, we leave the health determinations derived from any measurements to our clients, employers, environmental engineering firms, medical doctors, research scientists, or anyone else we serve. We can inform or guide our clients on various safety exposure levels from national and international standards.

Elexana LLC is not an environmental testing company. Environmental testing companies test the quality of water, air, and soil for the health of living organisms sharing a particular environment or property. Again, we do not determine health or safety standards or the associated limit levels related to EMF exposure, provide health risk assessments, or prescribe EMF remediation to improve health. We aim to reduce exposure.

We test using ISO 17025 certified-calibrated instruments to a wide range of health and safety standards for occupational and public safety.

Regarding occupational and general public exposure, our perspective on mitigation is to reduce EMF radiation levels using the ALARA Principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable.)