How to Choose a Residential EMF Testing Company That Does Not Have a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist™ (EMRS) on Staff

The short answer is: Don’t waste your time and money hiring someone other than an EMRS. If there is no EMRS in your area, then utilize our virtual remote testing program.

“The Building Biology® Institute’s EMRS Certification has become universally recognized as the sole criterion for hiring an EMF Expert. Until the general public insists on this standard of competence, Residential EMF Testing and Consulting Services will have much difficulty moving forward into the mainstream as an identified NEED rather than a WANT.” - James Finn

Here are suggestions if you have no choice but to hire a Residential EMF Testing Service that does not have an EMRS on staff and you can not do our virtual remote program:

1) Always choose a company whose website includes the name, biography, and photo of the person coming to your home. Insist on transparency for your safety and protection.

2) Search Engines will sell an ad to anyone without vetting their credentials, veracity, and truthfulness. Like any other home service company, you need to hire a professional, trustworthy, and honest company.

3) If an “EMF Expert” falsely markets that they have a state license or court certification for EMF testing, you should know that you are dealing with someone who is unabashedly dishonest. Insist he/she emails you a PDF of their invented documents and forwards them to your local state licensing board and local court for review.

4) Most home inspectors who offer “EMF Testing” only test AC magnetic fields. Some may even test for RF, but few test for dirty electricity, electric fields, and stray current.

If you are trying to decide which EMF Services company to hire, look to see what you are getting for your dollar. Do not use cost as the only criterion. No two EMF Service Companies are the same. The lowest bid inspection is probably worthless.

If an EMF assessment does not include:

  • a baseline testing,

  • an electric fields survey,

  • an electromagnetic interference analysis, or

  • location of any wiring errors

  • identification and measurement of any stray currents

    …then the EMF Testing Consultation was incomplete.

We use the highest standard instruments, ISO 17025 certified-calibrated, to test from DC to 60 GHz, beyond IoT and 5G to satellite transmissions.

Insist on ISO 17025 certified-calibrated instruments for all high-risk measurements, accurate assessments, replicable studies, and verifiable reports.

If your report does not include up-to-date ISO 17025 calibration certificates of the testing instruments used by your technical consultant, it is not a professional report.

Often, we see this same mistake being made when it comes to hiring an electrician. It takes more time and knowledge to wire a building correctly to National Electrical Code (NEC.) If an electrician follows the NEC, then there will not be any wiring errors; therefore, very low AC Magnetic Fields and less of a chance for a house or apartment fire from any wiring issues. Just like anything else, you usually get what you pay for.

5) Ask the company what hand-held meters they use for testing. You want as accurate an assessment as possible.

6) Does the EMF company have any affiliates? You need to watch out for these “lone-wolf” companies. If not, then YOU may become the next dinner.

Other Important Factors to Consider:

1) We see many EMF inspectors/experts who do not even measure the electric fields in the air! If they show up with only an RF Meter and a Gauss Meter, you know you are not getting a professional assessment.

2) What is the cost if the wrong EMF service company sells you something that you not only overpaid for but don’t even need? Or, this product then causes you to become ill? We see this with particular grounding pads and clothing.

3) What is the cost if you believed certain measured EMF levels were harmful or safe, but the levels were measured using an amateur’s meter or were not certified-calibrated? Are they using a Gigahertz Solutions Monitor or some cheap toy purchased on Amazon?

4) What is the cost if the technician has an uninformed and uneducated bias on what is considered a safe level? Does this tech even abide by a specific set of safety level limits?

5) What is the cost if you are given incorrect information on how to remediate?