EMC Pre-Compliance Test Lab Coming Soon!

We have begun building our Pre-Compliance Test Lab due to suggestions and requests from clients. Currently, our customers fly us to their headquarters and home offices to help them pass EMC compliance. 

We will still offer these unique and essential services. Still, soon clients will be able to use USPS/UPS/FedEx to send their new products under development to our home office lab rather than paying the cost of flying us to their facilities. We are hoping that by the end of Spring, the lab will be up and running.

What would distinguish us from a typical EMC Test House is pointing out where your device is failing. At a fraction of the cost of sending your equipment to an expensive EMC Testing House over and over again until you’d pass, we can get you there faster.

Soon you can send us your circuit boards and small devices that are under development for CISPR, IEC/EN-61000, and FCC testing.